Expenditure Update: January 15

I realised it’s been some time since I had logged in to the blog, not to mention doing some writing. So firstly, sincere apologies to those who had commented on the blog or emailed me during the past two weeks. Don’t worry, you haven’t been ignored and I will reply you as soon as things are more settled. 😛

Well you see, the blog was probably the last thing on my mind during the past two weeks. Mrs 15HWW was hospitalised two weeks ago and I was spending my time shuttling between my workplace, the hospital and home (just to catch up on some sleep). Although it never appeared life-threatening, I was pretty worried initially as the diagnosis was vague and a tad grim.

Luckily, subsequent treatments worked and the Mrs was even discharged from the hospital a few days ago. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have even bothered to update this monthly expenses series. Seriously, what’s the point of wealth when you don’t have health. So nothing about money for this article’s preamble.

February’s Challenge: 20 exercise sessions

And obviously, during this hustling period, I have neglected taking care of my own health and fitness the past two weeks. Which really shouldn’t have been the case and I vow to put it right even with the CNY festive period coming up.


Eating Out: $449.30

Hawker ($236.20) – Most of them are my expenses. Stress and worry resulted in me having more meals.

Fast Food ($51.10) – Dominated by Subways as there was an outlet in the hospital.

Restaurants ($162) – Just 3 entries here this month and I realise this is definitely not a “need”.

Groceries: $18

Supermarket ($18) – Some fruits and bread during a trip to NTUC.

Beverages & Snacks: $43.10

Beverages ($34.40) – Plenty of fruit juices for the Mrs as she had little appetite for solid food last week.

Snacks ($8.70) – A few kuehs and some Mr Bean pancakes.

Utilities: $141.19

Electricity, Gas & Water ($81.16) – Rainy and windy climate led to less usage of air con and electricity tariffs are coming down

Cellphones ($60.03) – $28.03 for the Mrs’ plan and $32 for mine.

Transport: $85.20

1 EZ Reload transaction for me and some cab trips when I ended work late.

Miscellaneous: $500

Others ($500) – The Mrs renewed her salon package at the start of the month

Total: $1,236.79

Overall Total: $3,121.79 (included fixed expenses of $1,885)


12 Replies to “Expenditure Update: January 15”

  1. Hi 15hww,

    Good thoughts out from me to your wife. May she recover fast and have good health!

    Sometimes all it takes is a little illness to remind ourselves what’s impt in life. Take care of yourself too!

  2. Hi 15hww

    Please send my regards to your wife for speedy recovery.

    Please stay fit in the midst of these situations and take care of your own health.

  3. hey! oh my, thank goodness things are OK and the wifey is well now ^^

    you’re right, wealth doesn’t count for much without health. take care, both!

  4. Hi 15HWW,

    Best wishes for Mrs 15HWW health. Sure this is just a small hiccups that you guys will overcome it.

    Happy advanced CNY anyway

  5. Hi 15HWW,

    I have been following your website for some time.

    You mentioned you were shuttling between your workplace, the hospital and home. I am glad you found a job.

    May I ask what caused you to move out of a 15 hour work week and back to the job market?

    All the best in your journey to financial freedom.

    1. Hi JKL,

      Yup. That was a difficult period but thank goodness it’s all over now.

      To be honest, I have yet to start a 15 hour work week yet. The 6-month sabbatical was somewhat planned for me to have a taste of what life would be without a full-time job. As of now, I still do not have the “desired” amount of assets to move into a 15HWW lifestyle permanently.

      And thanks for your well-wishes! Will definitely be posting when I have finally attained semi-retirement. =)

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