Probably a week late, but with age, I do feel it is increasingly important to note down my thoughts and sentiments to summarise a year. Otherwise it is really a case of “the days are long but the years are short”. Not ideal as I approach middle age.
I re-read some my “resolutions” of the past years with some interest but probably more embarrassment and have humbly replaced it with “hopes” for 2023.
The 5 categories: Health; Wealth; Relationships; Work and Blog should encompass the bulk of life.
Review of 2022:
- Stopped going to the gym after the birth of my baby boy as I prioritised my morning walks with him. Both of us have forged friendships with some retirees, maids, dogs and stray cats
- I lost weight, but little to celebrate since most likely a result of losing muscle mass, especially the lower body
- A silver lining is that I still largely keep up with about 100 push-ups a day
- Eating more home-cooked food since there is a helper to help with preparation and cleaning
- Only fell sick once (a few days ago) but it was pretty dreadful as every cough/sneeze was met with spasms for my back. Dreadful. Also explains why this post is late by quite a few days
Hopes for 2023:
- Help to cook some meals. The Mrs will be delighted if I finally pull this off after a decade of writing it down every year as a “resolution”. Obviously, beyond steaming chicken breast since I have to be empathetic to the Mrs’ fussier palate
- Resume gym membership once the baby enrols into a playgroup
- Accompany the Mrs for long walks in the morning
- Go for a comprehensive health check-up. I have been procrastinating for a couple of years and I believe at my age, it is imperative to do one every other year
- Cut down on sugary drinks, especially bubble tea. Although I have almost eliminated soft drinks from my diet (fast food is a notable exception), I still have a weekly habit of ordering a large green tea topped with golden bubbles at 50% sugar level from Koi
Review of 2022:
- This is probably the first year my networth has fallen. In previous bear markets, the net savings would always more than make up for any investment losses
- Crypto was especially painful, since I do know of some friends or readers that made the leap after reading some of my articles. Total wipeouts included Luna, Hodlnaut, Celsius and FTX. Avoiding all of them was rare for a Singapore crypto participant
- Stocks did not perform much better. My sentiments are similar to Heartland Boy’s. Although my overall performance is slightly better, any form of outperformance was due to timing (buying more in a bear market) rather than having any real alpha in stock picking. A switch to a more passive strategy over the past few years has been the right call
Hopes for 2023:
- Interestingly, I am probably beyond establishing a magical number. First, market performance is largely out of my control and I am no longer “looking forward” to a certain stage
- I reached a very conservative Lean FIRE number a few years ago and is increasingly tired of delaying gratification. I am at the stage where I start to prioritise life goals ahead of wealth goals
- For example, I am adamant that we will take 3-6 months off when Baby 15HWW turns 6 and experience living in a different city. Otherwise, what was the point of leaving corporate life 7 years back?
- Our level of wealth will probably only dictate how many months we spend in Vancouver vs Chiang Mai/Hanoi
- If we execute a move to a new flat in 2023 (still 50/50 about it), hopefully it will not adversely impact our finances. It should not, theoretically
Review of 2022:
- I spend alot of time at home, especially with the Mrs and baby. In fact, the helper is probably the third person I have the most social interaction with. A little sad but true
- Other than that, it’s been spending time with the extended family, especially for the Mrs side. I meet my siblings probably once a quarter and close friends probably once every half a year?
- The days pass by really quickly when it revolves around the baby’s feeding and sleeping schedule
- There are downsides to spending so much time with the baby. He is almost never alone and hence, does not want to be alone. Even though he is approaching 10 months old, he has not started crawling and will instead wait to be carried by either his Mom, Dad or the Aunt.
Hopes for 2023:
- I am not feeling it yet, but maybe I could become a victim of the loneliness epidemic in the near future
- Because of my work, it is hard to make new friends of the same age group as me which actually causes my social circle to dwindle since you will also lose some “old” friends as you age for whatever reasons
- Probably need to make more of an active effort for “friendship renewal”
- Requires a mindset shift which I am uncertain if I am capable of, honestly
Review of 2022:
- A year of cruising since I only had typically two lessons on a weekday
- My N Level students did ok for the subjects I taught, but not well enough to qualify for PFP. Sadly, battles can be won but rarely the war
- Enrolment continues to be streaming in since I still manage to positively impact my students’ results 2/3 of the time
Hopes for 2023:
- No A Level student for the first time in a while. Still indifferent as to whether I should stop teaching A Level students. They generally take up a big proportion of my free time but the flip side is they provide the most fulfilment
- The decision will be postponed for a year since I have a big cohort of O Level students this year and quite a few are expected to pursue the “increasingly painful” JC route
- All weekend lessons are “group” lessons and even some weekday lessons are also “group” lessons, which bodes well for sustainability with a child in tow. A greater yield for the time spent at work is on the cards
Review of 2022:
- Became more active towards the end of the year, posting almost twice a week during the last quarter
- Managed to create my own bonus with some sponsored posts to supplement my income
- Experimented with several types of articles and through some trial-and-error, knows which articles generate views/engagement. Ironically, I tend to dislike writing these articles the most
Hopes for 2023:
- Become more consistent. Almost 10 years of blogging and 500 posts so on average about 1 post a week. But there are months or years when I have neglected this blog. Guess a commitment of at least 1 post a week should instil abit of much-needed discipline to write something regularly
- Continue to remain relevant even after ten years. I started this blog as a first-jobber and increasingly over the years, I feel that I am past my sell-by-date. There is a need to remind myself not to write for the sake of writing too
- I personally think there are around 100-200 folks who consistently reads what I put out, regardless of the quality. A subset of this have reached out to me either through comments or emails and I am hugely appreciative of it
I hope every year will be better than the last since every next year could be the last. Sounds morbid, I know but it is the truth.
All in all, 2022 was a great year as I welcomed my newborn to our family, after trying for so many years and facing many disappointments along the way.
If you have not penned down your thoughts for 2022 and hopes for the new year, I do urge you to do the same either on a physical diary, or just type it and then print it out. Your future you will thank you for setting aside an hour or two to do it.
Thanks for reading.
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Thanks for the support!
Personally, I am irritated by ads and pop-ups so I do not use any of them on this blog too.
Thanks for sharing. Never really done an extensive annual review. I think i will do just that. If you dont mind, I will follow your “format”! Thanks!
No problem and I have already read your review. 2 v close friends and 10 that you will meet once a year is pretty remarkable. I wonder if people like you and me are more common than I have assumed.
Hope you have enjoyed a good break for the past year or so!
Thanks! Time passes by so fast though.
1 thing for sure, as fathers, we do spend alot of time with our kids. We should be proud of that!
You know what I do about bubble tea? I drink it with 0 sugar. Yes, it’s a little weird. You dont get that too often. My wife is a serial BBT drinker, so some weeks I drink up to 4 times per week. I mean if my wife is ordering it, why not? Haha. I dont drink any soft drinks, even if it’s for fast food, it’s just water or zero sugar drinks, though thats not very healthy as well with the artificial sweetener.
Hi there, I am one of the 100-200 folks who consistently read what you write. Appreciate your transparency and sharing over the past year. All the best for 2023!
Hi YS,
Thanks for reaching out and the appreciation. You are right that I try my best to be transparent and “useful” whenever possible. Hope you have a great 2023 too!
I am also one of the 100-200 folks who consistently read what you write.
In fact, I come onto your website 2-3 times a week on average.
So, please continue to write.
I will continue to read.
Hi Ralph,
Wow! 2-3 times a week is v frequent and I am v flattered, especially since some weeks I don’t visit the blog as often as you!
If you believe in the Lindy effect, the fact that I have written for 10 years means the odds are quite high I will write for another 10 years, hopefully!
Comments like yours should help to “spur” me on whenever I feel lazy to write. Really appreciate it!
You are one of the Singapore bloggers who can write pretty well. I read your posts.
I observed that many investors who fell on crypto in 2022 had a wonderful year in 2021. You had a good year in 2021. I hope it more than compensated for the losses in 2022.
Hope your wishes for 2023 come true.
Hi market_observer,
Sadly, the losses in 2022 definitely more than offsets the gains in 2021. I was too greedy and did not harvest enough, only myself to blame.
Although the losses are not debilitating, it is still large enough to be painful.
Thanks for your high praise for my writing and I just hope that with more practise, I continue improving and provide some value to readers.
I shall start following and reading.
Thanks for writing.
Hi JG,
Thanks for reaching out and the support!
I’m just curious, why do you want to spend time in another city when your child turns 6? Would that be the time when the child enters Primary school?
Also, what is the objective behind moving to another flat?
Thank you for your blog and Happy New Year!
Hi Robert,
Yes, when the child turns 7, he enter the Singapore school system. So for the next decade, it would be v hard or close to impossible to take a long 3-6 month break with the school’s blessing.
I think it’s good for him to experience life outside the “Singapore bubble” at a young age and know the wide range of possibilities that are out there.
With regards to moving to another flat, I will probably share more in a separate post but basically, I think the living conditions have deteriorated over the years and I believe things could improve if we make a move. But still pondering and thanks for your concern!
Happy new year to you and your family too!
I guess it is good to
I love reading what you write and the different perspective you bring
keep up the good work! Very thoughtful, very relatable, and very honest. Glad baby is treating you and Jasmine well haha. The nights are long and the years short. Should arrange to catch up some time in 2023; been years since we last met in person.
Hi Kai,
Thanks for reading and of course, leaving such a positive comment. V heartfelt!
It’s been 1.5 decades since Vancouver but occasionally, when I reminisce, it does feel like yesterday. I can still recall moments like Tulalip vividly. And yes, definitely >5 years since we last met!
I am also one who reads your blog!
I’m also a private tutor, do u hold the group classes at your house?
never been able to scale to group…12 years on, I’m still doing 1-1
Thanks for reading and the comment!
Yes, I hold my group classes at my place and I always try to dangle the “carrot” of lower fees to entice the student/parent to bring in a friend/classmate along.
Wishing you a good year ahead in 2023!
Hello! Definitely a frequent reader!
Congrats on what I can say has been an eventful 2022, both the good and the bad.
Re loneliness – it’s well research that it’s more common for men to suffer from loneliness, especially when we were growing up it’s all about bottling our feelings and not being vulnerable (my own experience). What changed was a couple of years back I made it a point to show vulnerability in day to day interactions and it greatly help :). And yes, definitely need to make a more active effort to connect with friends in our mid 30s.
Also, how could you not be saitama – 100 push ups, bald. All that’s missing is the 10km run.
Hi JW,
Ah, showing vulnerabilities. I think I am also increasingly doing that on the blog. I guess 5-10 years ago, I might probably come across as an insufferable know-it-all but now, ironically, I “know” better. After a while, it gets tiring “building up a perfect persona”, like what most influencers are doing on social media.
I guess if I start wearing yellow more often, I really might get mistaken as Saitama. Lol.
I enjoy reading your posts, maybe because I largely agree with most of your opinions. Am a fellow father here who’s at the same stage of parenting too. I must say that your post on COE prices first caught my attention (and saved me a good sum of money). Keep up the good work!
Hi DT,
Glad that the blog helped you to save some money!
And hope your baby is allowing you and your wife to have good rest at night.
Take care of yourself, remember to meet up with friends more often (or try to, it’s really hard but gotta keep trying). There’s lots of support for your wife emotionally so do take time off as an involved father!
Hi Kenneth,
Thanks for the message and encouragement. Will definitely use this comment to escape the “guilt-trip” from the Mrs whenever I plan to meet friends. Lol.
Wow! I was just reading Mrs 15HWW’s post on your IVF journey in KKH and then this.. congrats on your baby boy!
Am currently in the process of TTC for a few years now without success and contemplating if we should move forward with IUI or IVF. I really hate injections so i must say Mrs 15HWW is really brave to have gone through IVF. And thanks so much for sharing your experience so openly, it’s really rare to find stories like this online (: