On the personal finances front, this was a really lousy month. Here’s the quick lowdown from Point 1 to 3. 1. Portfolio dropped a massive…
Category: Assets
I had always seen this coming. 😥 For what is effectively a liquid savings deposit, the OCBC 360 Account offered a ridiculously high interest of 3.05% for balances…
A rising tide lifts all boats. As the STI Index soars past the 3,500 mark, there’s finally some good feelings about the stock markets again.…
Oh it’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! And no, it’s none of them and definitely not Superman! The recent arrival is the new Singapore Savings…
As the portfolio that I publish on this site heads north towards the $300k mark, I do notice my balls shrinking ever so slightly. 😳…
For the past half a year, the valuations of this portfolio has hovered at around the $250K mark. With the market largely in a sideways…
As the STI continues its steady and slow climb towards the 3,500 mark, many investors are lamenting lost opportunities. The cry that I hear very…
Volatility in the market doesn’t seem to be abating anytime soon. Just today, the Swiss Franc shot up by almost 30% against the $Euro. I…
I find it amazing that besides these two posts (here and here) which more or less talks about the merits of purchasing a BTO flat,…
I like to call myself a buy-and-hold long term investor. But as the year draws to a close, I find myself behaving more like a…