Last month was a pretty special month as the Mrs and I actually spent 2 weeks together almost 24/7. She was enjoying her sabbatical and…
Category: Updates
Interestingly, there appears to be some subconscious target that’s governing my actions with regards to my portfolio. Although I have never spoken about it, I…
The total expenses for May broke $6,000. WOW. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so flabbergasted because that might be what many middle income DINKs are spending…
It’s been a year and a half since I last posted an annual update on my portfolio performance. How fast time flies. When I first…
On the personal finances front, this was a really lousy month. Here’s the quick lowdown from Point 1 to 3. 1. Portfolio dropped a massive…
April is another frugal month as we went under $3,300 for the month! If we include March’s expenses, it’s actually two consecutive months of low expenses. Way…
A rising tide lifts all boats. As the STI Index soars past the 3,500 mark, there’s finally some good feelings about the stock markets again.…
It’s actually been quite a while since we went under $3,500 for our monthly expenses and I am quite pleased to report that we did…
For the past half a year, the valuations of this portfolio has hovered at around the $250K mark. With the market largely in a sideways…
Opps…this is at least a week late, judging by the dates of previous expenditure updates. 😳 I have really been swarmed with work, so much…